- Acokanthera Berry
- Adcrocuta
- African Agaric Fungus
- African Buffalo
- African Casturi Mango (Fandom)
- African Giant Land Snail
- African Rock Python
- Aloe
- Aloe Vera
- Altering
- Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Wiki
- Ancylotherium
- Basalt (Fandom)
- Basalt Chopper (Fandom)
- Bass (Fandom)
- Bateleur Eagle
- Beehive
- Biomes
- Black-Backed Jackal
- Black Machairodus
- Black Mamba
- Bleed
- Blue Agate (Fandom)
- Carcass
- Carissa Berry
- Chalicotherium
- Cocos
- Cracked Coco (Coco contrita drupa) (Fandom)
- Crayfish (Parastacidae) (Fandom)
- Crowned Crane
- Dead Branch
- Dead Branch (duplicate)
- Deinotherium
- Desert Melon (Fandom)
- Dinofelis
- Dorcas Gazelle
- Eastern Green Mamba
- Effects
- Eggs
- Emerald (Fandom) (Stub)
- Envenomation
- Evolution
- Fishing Spot
- Food
- Food (duplicate)
- Fresh Water Source
- Game Mechanics
- Giant Warthog
- Golden Machairodus
- Granite (Granite Petra)
- Granite Grinder (Fandom)
- Grinded Khat
- Hard Bone (Os solidum) (Fandom)
- Hippopotamus
- Hole to Poke
- Honey
- Horsetail (Fandom)
- Horsetail Leaves
- Horsetail Paste
- Items (Fandom)
- Jujube
- Kapok Fiber
- Kapok Fibers
- Kelp
- Khat (Fandom)
- Liftable Rock
- Machairodus
- Megarian Banded Centipede
- Meteorite (Petra ex cealo) (Fandom)
- Miocene African Horse
- Miocene African Otter
- Miocene Pelican
- Miocene White Rhino
- Misc
- Monkey Bread
- Mussel
- Natal Grass Cycad
- Natal Grass Cycad (duplicate)
- Obsidian
- Obsidian Carver
- Obsidian Scraper
- Poisoning
- Sharpened Stick
- Sharpened Stick (duplicate)
- Sivatherium
- Stegotetrabelodon
- Stick (tool)
- Taami Berries
- Taami Berry (Fandom)
- Termite Mound
- The Missing Links
- Thorbjarnarson's Crocodile
- Tools
- Tourmaline (Fandom)
- Trapped Insect (Fandom)
- Tumbo seeds
- White Machairodus
- Woodland